If you want to make the most of your money and invest in good quality furniture, here are some tips that will let you know exactly when to buy new or used furniture.
New indoor furniture: January or July – New furniture will come into stores in February and August, which means that stores will mark down their older pieces at least a month prior. To get a further reduction, be ready to haggle.
New outdoor furniture: August to October- Stores will want to get rid of their old outdoor furniture before summer and early autumn. Look at investing in better quality pieces that you may not have been able to afford.
Office furniture: April or August – Often you will find that office furniture is severely marked down the day after tax day.
Used furniture – Summer is a good time to look at buying used furniture as most thrift stores will get rid of their old stocks in July and August. Discounts are greater at this time because families tend to move homes in these months and get rid of their old furniture. Look at visiting thrift stores on a weekly basis in these months as new pieces will come in daily. Another great place to look at is yard sales as most often neighbors will offer a better price.
To pay the lowest price, improve your bargaining skills. Start off my examining your furniture and valuing it in your mind, before asking for its sale price. Then bargain until you reach a price that is as close to how much you were initially willing to pay.